Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The 2 Foundations of Ibaadat 
also known as 
The 2 Conditions that should be fulfilled for deeds to be accepted

 1) Direct obedience to Allah- to single out Allah alone in worship with no partners

Say (O Muhammad (SAW)): "He is Allâh, (the) One. "Allâh-us-Samad Allâh the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, (He neither eats nor drinks)"He begets not, nor was He begotten; "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him. Al- Ikhlas:1-4

Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful An-Nisa:48

2) Direct obedience to Muhammad(SAW),follow him

O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad SAW), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger (SAW), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination.An- Nisa: 49

But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad SAW) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission. An- Nisa: 65


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