Sunday, August 12, 2012

O Sunni What is your Motive?

Shaykh Muhammad Al- Anjaree 
Translate by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis 
Also some notes used from Abu Iyaad of from post on twitter

*please listen to lecture to get full references and evidences these notes are merely just a summary from points in lecture*

O Sunni What is your Motive?
Shaykh Muhammad Al- Anjaree
Translate by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis
Also some notes used from Abu Iyaad of from
post on twitter
*I will note the part where I use these notes*

Notes taken By Yasriyyah “Umm Saraa”

These notes are a summary of the lecture, I am not in anyway a student of knowledge I am amongst the common folk. I just wanted to sharethe many benefits I got from lecture.   Ihave no personal affiliation with the scholars or dua’at above. BaarakuAllahufeekunna

To proceed:

>Worship Allah only and be dutiful to parents
Worship Allah and make no shirk with him

This dawah is built upon actualizing Tawheed
Asma wa Siffat

Tawheed is the goal of one’s success in dunya and akhira

The head actions to attain Jannah is Tawheed
~Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

Goal: Motive is Tawheed

The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) whoeverenumerates the 99 names of Allah will enter Jannah

Indeed the muninoon those when names of Allah arementioned fear feels their heart
Al-rajah- hope for Allah

By tawheed an individual is truly able to actualize thedeen of Allah

Servitude to Allah (pure tawheed)
Much good
Fulfill tawheed

Path ofGuidance is open for him through the speech of:
Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Tabien (3 generations)
Scholars ( past and present)

Life of the heart by way of the Nur which is the Furqaan

Whenever wealth is in your hand and not in your heart itdoesn’t harm you even if plentiful
But whenever wealth is in your heart even if it’s not inyour hand then it will harm you
~Ibn Qayyim

Wealth should be utilized like a donkey
~Ibn Taymiyyah

Establish it and seek patience
·        In obedience to Allah
·        In keeping away from prohibitions
·        In affliction and trials
Ex. lowering one’s gazes utilizes patience
The affirmed truth grip on Salafiyyah will not occur tosomeone who follows their desires

Cling to the narrations of the salaf even if the pplreject you
~ Imaam Awza’ee

O youth cling to that which Shaykh Bin Baaz, ShaykhFaawzan, Shaykh Uthaymeen, Shaykh Ubaid and like them
Be patient upon this
Beware of those who speak with this new language hizb(parties) and bidah
Oh Muslims stay firm on the Furqaan

Mutta Talowun thoses who chops and changes his colorslike a chameleon
-opposite side of spectrum

Thaabit- Firm footing
-raseeqeen those grounded even if a few

Light (nur) of Sunniyah& Salafiyyah removes thedarkness of bidah (innovation)
This light nur is singular>>> siraatu mustaqeemis one

Duloomat plural>>>bidah

Firmness on the straight path is aided by way of anexample of Shaykh Al- Albaani
He emigrated from Albaania to Syria at age 5, him and hisfamily fleeing from the communist.
His father placed him amonst reciters and students ofknowledge. He excelled among his peers getting knowledge about Islaam. The waron Shaykh Albani began when he gave a verdict about praying in a masjid (i.eMasjid Amma’wee) with a grave within it. His father said either remains silentwith this affair or leave. He (Shaykh Al- Albani told his father give me 3 daysto think about this. Then he came to his father after the 3 days and said Iwill leave. This great scholar also went to Saudi Arabia, Emirates, and  Jordan he was expelled from all mentioned. Sohe stayed in the desert for 6 months until the king of Jordan allow him toreturn specifying conditions that he should not be able to teach, and could bevisited by more than two people at any given time. Now reflect did all theseobstruction keep Shaykh Albaani from the truth. No he stayed upon the truth.

Live summarized notes taken by Abu Iyyad start here:

Second example, th Allamah, Rabee bin Hadee who stood upto the da’wah of Ikhwan, and Sayyid Qubt And Surooriyyah. And the war was wagedagainst him from every direction. What did Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) say-this man, as BBC reported that a million Rafidees (in Yemen) changed and becameSunni…, he said “Shaykh Rabee is an aayah (sign) from the aayaat (signs) ofAllah in knowing the hizbiyyeen (partisans), if Rabee disparages me then takehis disparagement.” This is from Shaykh Muqbil. Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen, hisposition towards Shaykh Rabee’ this Imaam was asked,” What do you say about thebooks of Shaykh Rabee” he said “what is apparent that this question is not inneed of my saying I say as Imaam Ahmad said he has asked about Ishaaq binRaahawah and he Ahmed said,” The likes of me is asked about Ishaaq?”, all thisis is the saying of Shaykh Uthaymeen.
Shaykh Al- Albaani said “ the carrier of the flag of alJarh wat tadeel in this ara and in truth is our brother Rabee bin Haadaee Andthose who refute him do not do so with knowledge at all. So I say slow down whoare those ones saying those things

So I have mentioned to you here the saying of theScholars, Al Albaani, Ibn Uthaymeen, Muqbil and mention in this gathering thatin relation to this city when I came many years ago, I am speaking aboutfirmness (thabaat) and I found Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem, and Amjad, and MayAllah have mercy upon the brother Dawud Burbank (rah.) the brave one… when Icome to this country I found these brothers in this direction, the Sunnidirection, this is what I have seen today, my judgment is based only uponcriterion of Sunnah and Bid’ah, and if I find they are supporting the people ofdeviation then I will not agree, but I swear to Allah till this second I didn’tsee except goodness so that’s why I come, this is why I support these brothers,and I am in the same rank and row. So we ask Allah to grant us firmness, thisis how we consider them, and Allah is their reckoner, So our target is to reachParadise, InshaAllah

Q&A starts at88:20