Sunday, August 12, 2012

O Sunni What is your Motive?

Shaykh Muhammad Al- Anjaree 
Translate by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis 
Also some notes used from Abu Iyaad of from post on twitter

*please listen to lecture to get full references and evidences these notes are merely just a summary from points in lecture*

O Sunni What is your Motive?
Shaykh Muhammad Al- Anjaree
Translate by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis
Also some notes used from Abu Iyaad of from
post on twitter
*I will note the part where I use these notes*

Notes taken By Yasriyyah “Umm Saraa”

These notes are a summary of the lecture, I am not in anyway a student of knowledge I am amongst the common folk. I just wanted to sharethe many benefits I got from lecture.   Ihave no personal affiliation with the scholars or dua’at above. BaarakuAllahufeekunna

To proceed:

>Worship Allah only and be dutiful to parents
Worship Allah and make no shirk with him

This dawah is built upon actualizing Tawheed
Asma wa Siffat

Tawheed is the goal of one’s success in dunya and akhira

The head actions to attain Jannah is Tawheed
~Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

Goal: Motive is Tawheed

The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) whoeverenumerates the 99 names of Allah will enter Jannah

Indeed the muninoon those when names of Allah arementioned fear feels their heart
Al-rajah- hope for Allah

By tawheed an individual is truly able to actualize thedeen of Allah

Servitude to Allah (pure tawheed)
Much good
Fulfill tawheed

Path ofGuidance is open for him through the speech of:
Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Tabien (3 generations)
Scholars ( past and present)

Life of the heart by way of the Nur which is the Furqaan

Whenever wealth is in your hand and not in your heart itdoesn’t harm you even if plentiful
But whenever wealth is in your heart even if it’s not inyour hand then it will harm you
~Ibn Qayyim

Wealth should be utilized like a donkey
~Ibn Taymiyyah

Establish it and seek patience
·        In obedience to Allah
·        In keeping away from prohibitions
·        In affliction and trials
Ex. lowering one’s gazes utilizes patience
The affirmed truth grip on Salafiyyah will not occur tosomeone who follows their desires

Cling to the narrations of the salaf even if the pplreject you
~ Imaam Awza’ee

O youth cling to that which Shaykh Bin Baaz, ShaykhFaawzan, Shaykh Uthaymeen, Shaykh Ubaid and like them
Be patient upon this
Beware of those who speak with this new language hizb(parties) and bidah
Oh Muslims stay firm on the Furqaan

Mutta Talowun thoses who chops and changes his colorslike a chameleon
-opposite side of spectrum

Thaabit- Firm footing
-raseeqeen those grounded even if a few

Light (nur) of Sunniyah& Salafiyyah removes thedarkness of bidah (innovation)
This light nur is singular>>> siraatu mustaqeemis one

Duloomat plural>>>bidah

Firmness on the straight path is aided by way of anexample of Shaykh Al- Albaani
He emigrated from Albaania to Syria at age 5, him and hisfamily fleeing from the communist.
His father placed him amonst reciters and students ofknowledge. He excelled among his peers getting knowledge about Islaam. The waron Shaykh Albani began when he gave a verdict about praying in a masjid (i.eMasjid Amma’wee) with a grave within it. His father said either remains silentwith this affair or leave. He (Shaykh Al- Albani told his father give me 3 daysto think about this. Then he came to his father after the 3 days and said Iwill leave. This great scholar also went to Saudi Arabia, Emirates, and  Jordan he was expelled from all mentioned. Sohe stayed in the desert for 6 months until the king of Jordan allow him toreturn specifying conditions that he should not be able to teach, and could bevisited by more than two people at any given time. Now reflect did all theseobstruction keep Shaykh Albaani from the truth. No he stayed upon the truth.

Live summarized notes taken by Abu Iyyad start here:

Second example, th Allamah, Rabee bin Hadee who stood upto the da’wah of Ikhwan, and Sayyid Qubt And Surooriyyah. And the war was wagedagainst him from every direction. What did Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) say-this man, as BBC reported that a million Rafidees (in Yemen) changed and becameSunni…, he said “Shaykh Rabee is an aayah (sign) from the aayaat (signs) ofAllah in knowing the hizbiyyeen (partisans), if Rabee disparages me then takehis disparagement.” This is from Shaykh Muqbil. Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen, hisposition towards Shaykh Rabee’ this Imaam was asked,” What do you say about thebooks of Shaykh Rabee” he said “what is apparent that this question is not inneed of my saying I say as Imaam Ahmad said he has asked about Ishaaq binRaahawah and he Ahmed said,” The likes of me is asked about Ishaaq?”, all thisis is the saying of Shaykh Uthaymeen.
Shaykh Al- Albaani said “ the carrier of the flag of alJarh wat tadeel in this ara and in truth is our brother Rabee bin Haadaee Andthose who refute him do not do so with knowledge at all. So I say slow down whoare those ones saying those things

So I have mentioned to you here the saying of theScholars, Al Albaani, Ibn Uthaymeen, Muqbil and mention in this gathering thatin relation to this city when I came many years ago, I am speaking aboutfirmness (thabaat) and I found Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem, and Amjad, and MayAllah have mercy upon the brother Dawud Burbank (rah.) the brave one… when Icome to this country I found these brothers in this direction, the Sunnidirection, this is what I have seen today, my judgment is based only uponcriterion of Sunnah and Bid’ah, and if I find they are supporting the people ofdeviation then I will not agree, but I swear to Allah till this second I didn’tsee except goodness so that’s why I come, this is why I support these brothers,and I am in the same rank and row. So we ask Allah to grant us firmness, thisis how we consider them, and Allah is their reckoner, So our target is to reachParadise, InshaAllah

Q&A starts at88:20

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Jilbab (Hijab) Starts from the Head not the Shoulders

The Jilbab (Hijab) Starts from the Head not the Shoulders             
 By: Hasan as-Somali

Taken from. Ahlul Sunnah wa Jammah

*please listen to lecture to get full references and evidences these notes are merely just a summary from points in lecture*

Notes taken by: Yasriyyah “Umm Abdur-Rahman”

These notes are a summary of the lecture, I am not in any way a student of knowledge I am amongst the common folk. I just wanted to share the many benefits I got from lecture. BaarakuAllahu feekunna

When the companion met one another they would not leave each other until they recited Al Asr

Advise one other if we see someone openly falling into tabarooj we advise for the sake of Allah

What is tabarooj? Displaying ones beauty and adornments

Example of Tabarooj

1. If the jilbab does not cover and conceal the whole of the woman's body

        (Starts from the shoulder and not from head)
        jilbab comes from the shoulder it contradicts the word  Ala (something coming from the highest place)
        Alaa’ hinna means (the way the salaf understood meaning) to draw from the highest point of the woman (i.e. head) (ref to the arabic 33:59)
        If it it worn from the shoulder it would show the shape of the woman's body.
        If it worn from the head it will conceal all of the body from the head, the chest,  and whatever lies below that

Jilbab from the Shoulder
      is known as the shoulder abaya'
      this is known as a form of tabarooj
       chk 33:59 alaa means from the highest point
AAalayhinna min jalabeebihinna (transliteration)

2.  It is a form of tabarooj if the jilbab comprises of 2 separate pieces
      a piece for  top of body
      a piece for bottom of body
      Like someone wearing a long skirt and a shirt and a piece covering her hair this is Tabarooj
This contradicts what the jilbab is among the scholars it is one piece that cover the whole body

3. It is a form of tabarooj if the jilbab is seen as Zeena (beauty) and an adornment within itself
        fish stockings for ppl to see is tabarooj
      diamonds and rhinestones on garments is tabarooj
      ruffles on the back of overgarment like they are going to a ball this is tabarooj

Wisdom behind the jilbab being legislated is for the woman to cover her beauty and adornments  in front of men who are strangers

Other important points 

Wearing a badge or a flower on top of the jilbab on head like the comb of a rooster (i.e like big hijab pins, brooches, that attract attention)
      the woman who wears these type of thing does not understand the purpose of the Jilbab
      or playing games with her religion

It is tabarooj if the jilbab itself is an adornment stay away from those type of jilbab
      muslimah written on it
      niqabi written on it
      embroidery going up and down the arm
      the shoulder jilbabs stay far away from it

Women with hair like the humps of Camel (camel hump “Hijab”)

Women with hair like the humps ofCamel (camel hump “Hijab”)
Hasan as- Somali

taken from: Ahlul Sunnah wa Jammah http://ahlulsunnahwaljammah.

*please listen to lecture to get fullreferences and evidences these notes are merely just a summary from points inlecture*

Notes taken by: Yasriyyah “Umm Abdur-Rahman”

These notes are a summary of the lecture, I am not in any way a student of knowledgeI am amongst the common folk. I just wanted to share the many benefits I gotfrom lecture. BaarakuAllahu feekunna

To proceed:

Narrated by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihiwa Sallam) said there are 2 types of ppl of the inhabitants of the hellfirethat I have never seen

Type 1
- ppl possessing whips like the tail of an ox and they wereusing them to flog and beat ppl

-women who are clothed yet naked who are inclined to eviland make others incline towards these evil ways
-there heads are like humps of the camel; they will notenter Jannah or even smell the scent. Even though the scent of Jannah besmelled from such and such distance
~Recorded  by SahihMuslim

Issue of At-Tabarooj

What is At- Tabarooj- displaying ones adornments andbeauty
Muttabareejat- one who show her adornments and beauty

At-Tabarooj fallinginto category of Major Sin


Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Amr (RA) the Prophet (SallalaahuAlaihi wa Sallam)

- towards the later part of my nation there will be menthat ride on seat similar to saddles (Some of the ulema included Shk. Albanisaid this referring to the car/automobile)

-they will descend at doors of the masjid. Their womenare clothed but naked on their heads is what appears to be like humps camel.

- Prophet said Curse them because they are cursed, thisis to the muttabareejat

~Recorded by Ahmed, graded Sahih

Consequences ofAt- Tabarooj

-A threat from enter Jannah and smelling its scent

Shk. Uthayameenexplains the hadith

-These are the attributes of the women of hell fire
-clothe yet naked
-wear garments but it doesn’t conceal body as commanded
-they are not concealing due to their shortness,transparency, and/or tightness
-they have turned from the truth and the straight path
- they incite other to also do likewise
-the clothes they wear and their seductive behaviorcauses them to go astray and others as well

Shk. Uthaymeen also said Oh Muslimeen the Prophet (SallalaahuAlaihi wa Sallam) informed us of the attributes of the women of the hellfire tobe caution and wary of falling into these attributes

Young Daughters w short clothing and revealing
-not good
-strips daughter of modesty
- exposes them to fitnah
-influences them to abandon the garment of modesty
-they forget about the garment of the salaf

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Path to Becoming a Righteous Woman

The Path To Becoming A Righteous Woman - Abu Yusuf Khaleefah -
 WeFilmHD - The Manhaj Of The Salaf
 Link for Audio Lecture:
~ taken from

*please listen to lecture to get full references and evidences these notes are merely just a summary  from points in lecture*

Notes taken by: Yasriyyah "Umm Abdur-Rahman"

These notes are a summary of the lecture, I am not in any way a student of knowledge I am amongst the common folk. I just wanted to share the many benefits I got from lecture. BaarakuAllahu feekunna

·         Preserves and protects the women
·         Honored the women
·         Preserved their rights
·         Encourage the women from the good and noble character
·         One is al Hayaa (Modesty)

 Narrate by Abu Huraira…. Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) 

There are 60 or 70 odd branches of Imaan the best of these branches is Laa ilaha illa lah and the lowest of these branches is removal of something harmful from the road and Hayaa (Shyness/Modesty) is  a branch of faith one of them.
~(Agreed Upon)

4 Categories of Shyness

1st Hayaa ul minal llah
·         Being shy and displaying modesty in front of Allah

2nd Hayaa ul minal Malilikah (Angels)
·         Being shy in front of the Angels

3rd Hayaa ul minan Nas
·         Being shy in front of the people with the people

4th Hayaa ul minan Nafs
·         Being shy of one’s self

1st Shyness of Allah
·         Knowing that Allah sees him/her so the servant keeps away from thing that may anger Allah (i.e disobedience)
·         Modesty in front of Allah in the true way of having modesty

 True ways of Modesty
1.   He guards his head and that which entails it (i.e eyes, tongue, nose, hair, etc)
2.   Preserve his stomach from which it desires (staying away from the forbidden things)
3.   Remember life and death

Benefits in remembering death (abundantly)
·           Helps person become easy about death
·           Give awareness to life coming to an end
·           Lost(death) destroys the pleasures

Benefits in remembering Life (thinking of hereafter)
·         Will keep a person balanced in not chasing after the Dunya (this world)

Awrah (Private areas) in front of Allah
·         Preserve your awrah except from your spouse
·         Allah has more right that you are shy in front of him than in front of the people
                - in regards to being naked alone (unnecessarily)

 2nd Shyness of Angels

Certain angels are around us 24/7 and others may accompany the believers in various situations. We should be shy of what is done in front of them. The same thing that affects Bini Adam also affects the angels

Example: the command of not coming to masjid whilst eating onions and garlic
·         This bring harm for our brothers and sisters
·         Harm for the angels
·         Health benefit
·         Harm out weights the good

Kamaran and Katibeen- the noble writers (angels) as Allah described them

3rd Shyness with the people
·         Entails good mannerisms
·         Leaving off that which will harm in front of the people by
·         Fear of Allah
·         Protecting ppl from harm
·         Doing thing to prevent justified criticism and blame from the people
·         Observe Allah’s commandments and keep away from his prohibitions
·         One is shy in front of the ppl only for Allah’s sake and pleasure

4th Shyness with Self
·         Person fears Allah in secret and in public

Three matters (Thalatha Mulikat) that can destroy a person
1.    Miserliness (stinginess)
2.    Evil desires that are carried out
3.    Amazed with oneself
·         We must truly mean Maa Sha Allah in matters pertaining to self especially because inwardly it could seem boastful and arrogant when one is amazed with self excessively

Three Matters (Thalatha Munja’at) that bring about salvation
1.    Fear Allah in open and secret
2.    Be moderate with wealth and poverty
3.    Be just in happiness and anger

·         Observing modesty within yourself
·         Strive against your soul

Common Misunderstanding

Hadith Summarized: narrated by Abu Masood Uqbah
 Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam)  said: if you are not shy do as you please

Misunderstood meaning: they say I have no shame in my game so Im going to do what I want and say what I want to say. And then put this on the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) saying the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said mentioned hadith…

This is not correct, this hadith generally means
·         dispraise worthy or blame. It is prohibited to do as you wish

1st meaning:

1stly Command from Allah
·         Threat
·         No shyness go ahead and do as you wish, Allah will deal with you
·         Call to account

2ndly Command /Information that is given from the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) 
·         He is informing us that if a person has no shyness they will do what they want to do
·         If shyness was there it would be a protection from evils and indecencies

2nd Meaning
Command for person to do what they intend to do.
·         Evil action will prevail with no shyness
·         Good action will prevail with shyness

Actions done today that opposes Shyness
1.  Spreading the secret affairs between husband and wife
  • Allah praises the women who possess noble characteristic

~ Refer to 4:34 in Noble Quran
  • Righteousness
  • Devote to Allah
  • Preserving in absence of spouse those things that Allah has order you to preserve (i.e his wealth and his honor)     

Refer to Muslim 1437
Abi Sa’eed Qudri narrated that the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said:

Indeed the worst of ppl is a man who has relates with is wife and spread the secrets. 
(same for women)

Summary of Hadith
Asma bint Yazeed narrated
·            Men and women were present
·            The  Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) mentioned the man of a that speaks about matters with wife
·            Everyone was quiet
·            Asma said by Allah the women do this
·            This includes that both men and women do this

Speaking about these matters
·         The  Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) admonished them for this and said it’s like a male shaytan engaging in relation with a female shaytan in public (openly)

Some affects and benefits
·         One effect that causes disunity in the home is a women telling about her sexual interaction with husband and then next thing the sister is seeking to marry your husband because of what you fed her.
·         Reality hits now the woman is crying and mad at the world
·         Benefits come when we stay away from affairs that the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) warn us against.

2.  Proper Hijab is not being observed
           Refer to Bukhari and Muslim (summarized in pts)
·         The  Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said there were women in hell-fire clothed but naked
·         This means due to their lack of covering they look naked

(my note): we see this amongst muslimahs and non muslimahs alike
One known and infamous trend is Leggings
3.  Speech
            2. ungratefulness
                    - they denied the good life and goo treatment given to them
Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said and saw the majority of the inhabitants of the hell-fire were women.
 ~ Refer to Bukhari for full hadith

A point was made about hijab when it rains why do then the women take cover with the nicest and expensive head covers but don’t do it for any other reason

2 examples of Righteous Women in Noble Quran

Surah 19:16

Points of Importance
1.    Fearing Allah
2.    Cover herself with hijab (barrier) in front of strange men (the noble Angel Jibreel)
3.    Shewas direct and straight to the point of knowing why he was there
4.    Noble character even excluded her from family to devote herself to Allah

The Women of Maydan
Surah 28:23-29

Points of Importance
1.    Shyness in not mixing with men
2.    Shyness in walk and speech

2 examples of shyness that are not Praiseworthy but blameworthy

1.       Shyness in learning the matters of your deen.

Statement from Ummul Mumineen:
 A'ishah (radhiallahu anha) said, “How good are the women of the Ansar! Shyness did not prevent them from understanding their religion properly.”
~Reference: Fath al-Bari, 1/228, Kitabal-'ilm, bab al-haya' fi'l-'ilm; Sahih Muslim, 4/16, Kitab al-hayd, bab ghuslal-mustahadah wa salatiha

2.       Shyness in following the commandments of Allah and keeping away from the prohibitions

Attain Modesty

1st Know Allah
·         By names and attributes and living according to them
·         You do not feel safe against Allah’s punishment

2nd  Knowing the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and how he displayed his modesty
·         He was more shy than a young virgin girl in her room

3rd Reading the Bios of the Sahabiyat starting with the mother of the believers, wives of companions, the salaf among the women

Most women will be followers of Harut and Marut (Seesurah Al Baraqah)

·         Allah sent Harut and Marut (angels) to the ppl of Babylon to teach them magic as a test and it was some amongst them who went to learn it.
·         They were told this is a test so do not disbelieve
·         Taught magic as a test to the ppl they still followed them
·         Type of magic learnt was the magic that separates a man from his wife
·         The women who indulgence in separating a man from his wife are followers of Harut and Marut

Example: A Narration from one of the salaf from the Tabi’een(summarized in pts)
Abu Muslim Al Qawlani

·         He and his wife were righteous
·         They were harmonious toward each other and they both praised Allah with magnified praise
·         They had a good situation
·         Came home one day and gave salaams as normal didn’t not get a respond
·         He asked her what was her concern , she said why dont you go to the Amir and ask him for some money.
·         He said Oh Allah who corrupted my wife he supplicated to Allah to deal with the woman who corrupted his wife.
·         It was a woman who had visited her and told her why don’t you tell your husband to go to the Amir and ask for money.
·         She was patient and content with her situation.
·         This woman had a speech of Sorcery (magic) and she was dealt with properly from the one who was oppressed (the husband who supplicated to Allah)

*Note the supplication of the oppressed dua is always answered*

This woman became blind and then she realized what she had done and went to the husband and ask him to supplicate to Allah to remove her blindness.

The man’s dua was answered again in reference to removing the woman’s blindness.
Speech like this can be described as Magic speech some sisters fall privy to other sisters who telling them all these things then the woman become “magically”dissatisfied with husband then asks for a Khula (request to have husband release her from marriage) then once the veil is (magic is lifted) she regrets her decision and realizes that this man was a righteous man.

The Prophet (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said whoever turns a woman against her husband is not from us.

4th Keeping good companionship
·         Have to watch who your friends are
·         The person will be with the person who the love